TikTok video #7284406419019943214 posted by @thefoxxiefoxx

Friday, September 29, 2023 Topic: The Miami Dolphins could have tied Chicago’s record of 72 points in a game, but they chose to kneel to run out the clock. would you have done the same if you were the coach? Do you think it was the right thing to do? How do you think the players felt? 🤔🗣️👋🏿👁️ #Foxxie #1eyewindow #ankhjourney #thinkaboutitletstalkaboutit #thinkaboutitletstalkaboutitciao #thinkaboutit #letstalkaboutit #ciao #facebookgroup #joinus #questionoftheday #question #videotopic #ase #whatareyourthoughts #thefoxxiefoxx #thinkaboutitletstalkaboutitase #fridaytopic#simplyfoxxie #miamidolphins #breaktherecord #chicagobears #washington #tua
