TikTok video #7293429790520905002 posted by @usaminozumc

#Repost @yukomin_912mj § 2023.10.24 [Naver News ) Actors Ahn Hyo-chul, Lee Min-ho, Black Pink's Jisoo, Nana, etc. got married in the 3 billion blockbuster movie 'Total Reading Point'. According to the film industry on the 24th, Ahn Hyo-hong, Lee Min-ho, Black Pink's Jisoo and Nana, Chae Soo-bin, Jeong Sung-il, Park Hosan have decided to make a movie 'General Reading Point' and are joking on the details. Actors Ahn Hyo-chul, Lee Min-ho, Black Pink's Jisoo, Nana, etc. got married in the 3 billion blockbuster movie 'Total Reading Point'. According to the film industry on the 24th, Ahn Hyo-hong, Lee Min-ho, Black Pink's Jisoo and Nana, Chae Soo-bin, Jung Sung-il, Park Hosan, etc. decided to make a movie 'General Reading Point' and are joking on the details. The movie 'The Complete Reader' is a webtoon original webtoon original production produced by Realize Pictures, producer Realize Pictures, and director of 'The Terror Live' Kim Byeongwoo. 'The full reading point' is about to finish the main casting work, Tura will soon finish the free production and start full-fledged filming in December. I am hoping that the 'comprehensive reading point' was born as a movie that is not loved as the original as 'With God' and can save the frozen Korean film industry. & https://In.news.naver.com/entertain/article/ 241/0003307899 #omniscientreader #leeminho #YooJunghyeok @actorleeminho #actorleeminho #Minoz #Imh #mymentertainment #usaminozumc
