TikTok video #7295163042457832736 posted by @myumyu___toutcourt

If you have a working brain you will know that no one is trying to save their bias here but it’s just common sense. Actor Lee Sunkyun went himself to the police station after being blackmailed while GD is supposedly not even related to Lee sunkyun so why is his name mentioned more than Lee sunkyun ? The entire world attention is on GD not even Lee Sunkyun. Now they are analyzing videos of GD saying he was under the influence of drugs why did they wait for more than 3 years to arrest him ? + BTS, GIDDLE, LEESERA members name are also coming out true or not they are also being target so stop being a chick its not about GD it’s about Korean media acting as the puppet of some politicians in order to controle the public opinion. Remember that celeb gets boycotted for even having a gf that’s what SK is so corrupted politicians wont even make it out alive! If he’s proven not guilty all those videos claiming him of being under the influence of drugs are gonna get SUEEEEEEED and I’m waiting for that 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 #gdragon #gdragon_bigbang #gd #yg #bigbang
