TikTok videos hashtag #applecidervinegar


There aren’t shortcuts to being healthy. Put in the work. Get the results. #pilates #weightloss #acv #applecidervinegar #Fitness #keepingactive


ACV has a lot of benefits according to the experts. 💁‍♀️ From my experience I didn’t notice any changes. Maybe 5 days isn’t enough? or more internal changes than external? ✨ Digestion: I drink it once a day before lunch or dinner. It lessen my cravings for some days. (which is good!) How about my 💩🚽? I didn’t notice anything because I have regular bowel movement already. ✨ Weight management: No changes at all. 🤷🏻‍♀️ ✨ Body odour: I noticed a huge difference with my body smell! My body didn’t stink! No cap! Especially it’s getting warm these days, but I smell good! ✨ I noticed it changed my tastebuds especially drinking lemon water or coffee. 🥲 ✨ They said it can help controlling your blood sugar? BUT ask your doctor! It’s better to be safe! ✨ Why I rinse my mouth after drinking? “Apple cider vinegar is acidic enough to weaken the enamel on your teeth. Weakened enamel increases your vulnerability to tooth decay and cavities, plus cause your teeth to be sensitive.” For those who are thinking/saying that this is easy to drink, NOPE! It’s not easy for me! I used the brand Nonna Pia's Apple Cider. Do I recommend this? Nope! But you can give it a try if you’re not acidic. Maybe don’t do it everyday. Once or twice a week should be good to not cause any problems with your body. I just tried it so you don’t have to! 😂💁‍♀️ Reminder: Excess of anything is bad for our health! #health #applecidervinegar #applecider #healthy