TikTok videos hashtag #claude


Claude 2.0 just dropped and it’s serious competition to ChatGPT. Have you tried it? What do you think? #chatgpt #ai #artificialintelligence #claude #llm #chatbot


Might as well post the original since so many pages want to steal MY VID & garner millions of views from it 🥲 this was shortly after i had survived septic shock and 3 major abdominal surgeries. I had been gutted like a fish & have the scars to show for it. If you know Claude you know he has to be PRIED from his Favorite Carpet. He definitely knew something was very off. I was on my way to the bathroom but it was so difficult/painful to walk that i broke down. The change in his meow when he realized something was wrong 🥹 #claude #sphynx #hairlesscat #sphynxkitten #animalemotion