TikTok videos hashtag #mastersdegree


I got accepted to my dream master’s program! I’m so excited to share this journey with you all! I was very emotional when I got accepted because this was the moment I realized my hard work paid off🤍 #mastersdegree #uniacceptance #acceptedtouniversity


This my answer to “Should I wait to get my Masters?” … I also get asked “Is getting your masters worth it?” And my answer depends on a few things (1) does your employer provide tuition assistance? (2) will the degree further you in your current role (3) will the degree help you make a career change you desire #mastersdegree #highereducation #tuitionassistance #employeebenfits


Should I get my master’s degree? Look into certifications FIRST. Atleast with that you there is less of a financial risk if you dont end up using it. I also recommend getting an employer to pay for your education. I know someone who got their entire PharmD paid for #mastersdegree #graduateschool #careeradvice #corporatetiktok #gradschool