TikTok videos hashtag #exams


On the morning of your exams take time for yourself, relax and get outside. Last minute cramming never helps! #Exams #fyp #revision #foryoupage #study #examseason


Exam season is a stressful time so if you feel yourself panicking during an exam try these simple steps to re-centre yourself 💛 #Exams #Study #Revision #ExamSeason #FYP


With #examseason upon us, it’s important to know how to take care of yourself while studying with effective study habits. 🧡 #exam #fyp #revision #study


Take a look at a day in the life of one of our young people whilst they are prepping for exams! #Exams #FYP #Revision #Study #ForYouPage #ExamSeason


During #ExamSeason make sure to create boundaries where you give yourself time to study and time to relax 💛 #Exams #Study #Revision #FYP #Exam #Studying


Everyone revises differently & not all learning styles suit everyone. Make sure you’re doing what works for you. 💛 #Exams #FYP #Revision #Studying #ExamSeason


With so many distractions it can be hard to sit and study. Here are a couple tips to maintain focus while preparing for #exams 🧡 #revision #examseason #studying #fyp #exam