TikTok videos hashtag #kiwi


Real men eat things with hair on them πŸ’ͺπŸ‘€πŸ˜‚πŸ’― #kiwi #fruit #howto


πŸŒ±πŸ’š G R E E N G L O W J U I C E πŸ’šπŸŒ± Ingredients: 🌱 1 peeled Kiwi 🌱 100g chopped celery 🌱 Large handful of Spinach 🌱 Juice of 1 Lime 🌱 400ml water 🌱 1 peeled and sliced Green Apple #kiwi #greenglowjuice #glowjuice #summerready #spring #Foodie #foodtiktok #EasyRecipe #drinktok


Replying to @Rosey I absolutely love kiwis, but every time I eat them, my mouth gets a little itchy! Kiwis, like many other tropical fruits, have large amounts of calcium oxalate crystals contained in idioblast cells. These crystal needles, known as raphides, serve as a defense mechanism. They are designed to protect the seeds inside the fruits from herbivores looking for a quick snack! Humans are a bit too big for these needles to serve as great defense mechanisms, so we are good to go! #microscope #microbiology #underthemicroscope #microscopy #microcosmos #nature #kiwi #crystals #kiwiπŸ₯ #fyp #fypage #fypγ‚·