TikTok videos hashtag #endo


ENDO BELLY! Is something many people with endometriosis suffer from 😫⬇️ It has lots of causes (unfortunately!) - i wish there was just one 🥲 If you missed it, head to my insta (link in bio) i recently did a LIVE with an experienced endo dietician and we talked ALL things endo belly. You can also download our free endo belly guide in my bio 🫶🏼 #endo #endometriosis #endowarrior #endostrong #endowarriorstrong💛 #endometriosiswarriors💛 #chronicpelvicpain #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #endothings #endobelly


“Endo Belly” a term used to describe the uncomfortable, often painful, swelling and bloating associated with endometriosis. Living with Endo comes with a lot of challenges, one of the most frustrating and unpredictable symptoms is “endo belly”. It can appear suddenly & linger for minutes-days. Do you suffer with “endo belly”? If so, what are some ways to manage it or prevent it. Drop some tips in the comments!💛 #endometriosis #endowarriorstrong #periodpain #endo #periodproblems #endometriosisawareness #endoawareness #endostrong #endobelly #endojourney