@the.pelvichealth.doc - Dr Jess Profile


Medical doctor. I help people with endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain 🥲🫶🏼



Dr Jess

@the.pelvichealth.doc ‘s Videos


Dr Jess


Hi guys! Im Dr Jess 👋🏻 Here’s a lil video explaining WHY I care so darn much about endometriosis and chronic pelvic pain 🥲 Also a reminder that I’m not a specialist - I’m still training at the moment and thinking I might want to be a family medicine doctor with a special interest in holistic management of chronic pelvic pain 💖 THANKS for being here! 🥲👋🏻 #endo #endometriosis #endowarrior #endowarriorstrong💛 #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #endoawareness💛 #chronicpelvicpain #chronicpelvicpainsyndrome #chronicpelvicpainawareness #endothings


Dr Jess


Not all endometriosis is the same, there are different subtypes which are really important to know about 👇🏼 Endometriosis is defined by the presence of endometrial-like tissue outside the uterus. Mostly this occurs within the pelvis (pelvic endometriosis), rarely it can be found elsewhere in the body. There are different subtypes of pelvic endometriosis. Superficial endometriosis is the most common and accounts for about 80% of all endometriosis. It can also grow on the ovaries (affecting about 15% of people with endometriosis), and deep into tissues within the pelvis (affecting about 5% of people with endo). 💛 We don’t actually talk a lot about the nuance of endometriosis, the fact that there are different subtypes, AND that most research we have doesn’t distinguish very well between the subtypes of endometriosis and treatments for each of these. 🤔 For example, we don’t have great evidence (at this stage) that surgically removing superficial endometriosis improves pain or quality of life. There are two trials based in Europe that are currently investigating this further - many people around the world are very eagerly awaiting the results of these trials (myself included!). 🤓 Very interestingly, a study that combined a few clinical trials together found that 71% of superficial endometriosis either regressed or remained unchanged at 6 months (without any treatment). That’s super interesting… especially given this is the most common type of endometriosis. 👀 
I think research like this highlights the nuance of endometriosis and its complexity and the need for a rethink to the current approach. As always, your symptoms and unique situation should be discussed with your care provider 🩺 Save this post so you can come back to this 💡 PMID: 31359584, 23861497 #endo #endometriosis #endowarrior #endowarriorstrong💛 #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #endoawareness💛 #chronicpelvicpain


Dr Jess


What does the research say about the effect of stress on endometriosis? 👀 I’ve spoken A LOT on here recently about how stress can influence pain! So what does the research say about stress and endometriosis, and specifically is there any impact on size/severity of endometriosis lesions? 👀 A 2012 study in rats found that those who were exposed to stress had not only higher levels of anxiety but also increases in the size and severity of the endometriosis lesions and inflammatory parameters (e.g., colonic inflammation, infiltrating mast cells, inflammatory cells in the peritoneal fluid). 🦠 Interestingly, in a 2015 study on rats researchers demonstrated that “controlling” stress influenced the pathophysiology of endometriosis lesions, specifically causing a decrease in lesion size. 😯 Now these studies are animal-model studies, they are not in humans which is important to note. BUT I do often talk about how endometriosis is a whole body disease and it would be fitting that there could be important stress-activated changes that contribute to the presentation and pathophysiology of endometriosis. 🧠 So what’s the take home message? Having stress management strategies as part of your toolkit to manage endo could help with inflammation and in turn may help improve symptoms 💛 As always this is general advice and ALL symptoms should be discussed with your treating doctor 🩺 Save this post so you can come back to this later 💡 PMID: 22527982, 25015902 #endo #endometriosis #endowarrior #endowarriorstrong💛 #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #endoawareness💛 #chronicpelvicpain #chronicpelvicpainsyndrome #chronicpelvicpainawareness #endothings


Dr Jess


If you have chronic pelvic pain from conditions like endo or adeno these are FIVE things I want you to remember when you feel like you’ll never get better. Save this post as a reminder for when you need it 💡 #endo #endometriosis #endowarrior #endowarriorstrong💛 #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #endoawareness💛 #chronicpelvicpain #chronicpelvicpainsyndrome #chronicpelvicpainawareness


Dr Jess


You NEED to know about pain system hypersensitivity and nervous system dysregulation if you have chronic pelvic pain from conditions like endometriosis!! This is because they’re a COMMON contributor to symptoms 🧠 Save this post so you can address this later 💡 #endo #endometriosis #endowarrior #endowarriorstrong💛 #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #endoawareness💛 #chronicpelvicpain #chronicpelvicpainsyndrome #chronicpelvicpainawareness


Dr Jess


PCOS and endometriosis are not the same thing 🙅🏼‍♀️👇🏼 These are two common conditions that often get lumped together, but they aren’t the same, and VERY importantly PCOS does not cause pelvic pain. If you have PCOS and pelvic pain please see your doctor for assessment of what could be causing your pain 💛 I hope you found this helpful! Share this with someone who needs to know this 🫶🏼 #endo #endometriosis #endowarrior #endowarriorstrong💛 #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #endoawareness💛 #chronicpelvicpain #pcos #pcosawareness #pcosproblems #pcosfighter


Dr Jess


Here’s our top stretches for pelvic floor tension and hip tightness 💛⬇️ This week it’s women’s health week and we’re talking all about pelvic pain and its causes⚡️ My friend Fiona (women’s health physio) and I teamed up to bring you our top 8 stretches for tightness in and around the pelvis 🤸🏼‍♀️ This is a super important thing to talk about because tension in our pelvic floor and surrounding muscles can contribute to pelvic pain (and other symptoms like painful peeing and poops). When we experience ongoing pain our muscles in the area contract snd tighten (like when you have a sore back). The same thing happens in our pelvis. ❤️‍🩹 Women with chronic pelvic pain will often describe an aching type pain in the pelvis, which often radiates to the back to cause lower back pain or down the legs to the thighs. If tightening of the muscles happens repeatedly over the course of months or years it may lead to the muscles going into spasm. This feels like a severe, stabbing pain. 🤕 This is where stretches for our pelvic floor and hips can help relieve tension. You can try these stretches to help with pelvic floor tension: ✨ child’s pose with hip internal rotation ✨ standing forward cat stretch ✨ happy baby ✨ deep squat And these 4 stretches for hip tightness: 🪄 hip flexor 🪄 adductor stretch 🪄 pigeon pose 🪄 figure 4 stretch It’s super important to see a pelvic Physio is for proper assessment if you think this could be contributing to your pain 🫶🏼 Save this for later so you can give these a go 💡 #endo #endometriosis #endowarrior #endowarriorstrong💛 #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #endoawareness💛 #endoawareness #chronicpelvicpain #chronicpelvicpainsyndrome #chronicpelvicpainawareness