TikTok videos hashtag #tether


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Tethering your camera to a computer or to a monitor is good for a number of reasons. The model can see themselves on a bigger screen while shooting, the client can see everything on a bigger screen, and you can see everything on a bigger screen; making it easier to see smaller details. So have you ever wondered how to tether a camera to your computer? In this video, I show you how to tether your camera directly into Lightroom and also using another application. It doesn’t matter which camera brand you have because here’s both methods! #SLCreative #torontophotographer #torontocreative #portraitphotographer #tether #lightroom #fashionphotographer #portraitunit #productphotography #foodphotography #learnphotography #photographybusiness


17 May 2023 - Tether International Limited (Tether), the company managing the reserves of the first and most widely used stablecoin, announced today its latest investment strategy aimed at further strengthening its reserves portfolio. Starting this month, Tether will regularly allocate up to 15% of its net realized operating profits towards purchasing Bitcoin (BTC). Tether anticipates that the current and future BTC holdings in its reserves will not exceed the Shareholder Capital Cushion and will further strengthen and diversify the reserves. As reflected in Tether’s Q1 2023 Assurance Report, as of the end of March 2023, Tether already held approximately $1.5 billion in BTC in its reserves. While it is common practice among many institutional investors to third-party custody their Bitcoin, Tether believes in the philosophy "Not your keys, not your bitcoin" and takes possession of the private keys associated with all of its Bitcoin holdings. Under this new approach, Tether will focus exclusively on utilizing realized profits from its investment strategy, disregarding unrealized capital gains generated by price increases. This means that Tether will consider only the tangible gains from its operations, which consist of the difference, between purchase price and net proceeds from the sale or, in case of a maturing investment, between the purchase price and the reimbursed amount (for example the notional amount for a zero coupon investment like with U.S. treasury bills). #crypto #cryptocurrency #tether #bitcoin #cryptoinsightuk