TikTok videos hashtag #yujiitadori


Not liking Yuji Itadori has got to be the reddest possible flag because wdym you don’t like THE Yuji Itadori??? What is there not to like?? His pookieness? His kindness? How Gege personally has it out for him? How he interacts with other characters? How he has NEVER done anything wrong ever in his life??(not even when he ate that finger) if yuji Itadori was a real Person i would Kiss the ground he walks on. I would put a red carpet in front of him wherever he walks. I would wake up early and make him a big supper of breakfast every morning. I would care for my son and protect him from all harm ESPECIALLY from a man named Gege akutami. Yuji is Perfect, my son is Perfect. If you EVER try to say some bs to me like “yuji overrated as-“ i would cut you off right then and there. How are you able to look at this adorable specimen of a human and feel anything other than love and the need to put him in your pocket???? #iloveyuji #iloveyujiitadori #yuji #yujiitadori #jjk #jujutsukaisen


Sukuna is Yuji's Biggest HATER 😭😭 - Follow Me! ❤️ #ryomensukuna #yujiitadori #yujivssukuna #jujutsukaisenmanga