TikTok video #7283243402034957570 posted by @the.pelvichealth.doc

What does the research say about the effect of stress on endometriosis? 👀 I’ve spoken A LOT on here recently about how stress can influence pain! So what does the research say about stress and endometriosis, and specifically is there any impact on size/severity of endometriosis lesions? 👀 A 2012 study in rats found that those who were exposed to stress had not only higher levels of anxiety but also increases in the size and severity of the endometriosis lesions and inflammatory parameters (e.g., colonic inflammation, infiltrating mast cells, inflammatory cells in the peritoneal fluid). 🦠 Interestingly, in a 2015 study on rats researchers demonstrated that “controlling” stress influenced the pathophysiology of endometriosis lesions, specifically causing a decrease in lesion size. 😯 Now these studies are animal-model studies, they are not in humans which is important to note. BUT I do often talk about how endometriosis is a whole body disease and it would be fitting that there could be important stress-activated changes that contribute to the presentation and pathophysiology of endometriosis. 🧠 So what’s the take home message? Having stress management strategies as part of your toolkit to manage endo could help with inflammation and in turn may help improve symptoms 💛 As always this is general advice and ALL symptoms should be discussed with your treating doctor 🩺 Save this post so you can come back to this later 💡 PMID: 22527982, 25015902 #endo #endometriosis #endowarrior #endowarriorstrong💛 #endometriosisawareness #endometriosiswarrior #endoawareness💛 #chronicpelvicpain #chronicpelvicpainsyndrome #chronicpelvicpainawareness #endothings
