TikTok video #7184923279336017195 posted by @thecorrectiveprotocol

An Anterior Pelvic Tilt (aka Lower Crossed Syndrome) is one of the most common imbalances of modern day living. Affecting three out of four people, not only does it cause your back pain and your stomach to push out, but because all major body movement including walking, begins in the hip area, if your hips are out of alignment there’s a negative domino effect that goes through your whole body and causes a ton of issues. Like most imbalances though, it’s very fixable. It may be a pain to do these exercises and stretches regularly, but that doesn’t compare to the amount of pain that can come directly or indirectly from having your hips out of alignment, which literally can affect everything from head to toe. As with any corrective process, once your realign your body, you need to to integrative exercise in different movement patterns to prevent it from coming back. That’s not something I can fit all into a 60 second video but if you want help with that just or anything fitness/exercise related, DM me, "Hip Tilt" and I can reach out to you. Share this video with anybody who you think could benefit from this. Thanks. #thecorrectiveprotocol #correctiveexercisespecialist #correctiveexercise #personaltrainer #onlinetrainer #onlinecoach #anteriorpelvictilt #lowercrossedsyndrome #backpain #lowbackpain #posture #health #fitness #desiremusic #lovelife
