@thecorrectiveprotocol - The Corrective Protocol Profile


💪 Online Trainer 💪 Corrective Exercise Specialist thecorrectiveprotocol.com



The Corrective Protocol

@thecorrectiveprotocol ‘s Videos


The Corrective Protocol


Though the initial phases of a corrective training protocol/body realignment may look a lot like stretching/therapeutic type of exercies, that’s just the beginning. Ultimately the goal is to retrain the body to move and function properly by prioritizing the right muscles to perform movement functions through integration of all the movements necessary for the body to function at its highest level. So once you’re able to get the body into its natural postural position, doing exercises like the staggered stance, single-arm dumbbell swing to push press will reinforce that goal. Mix these type of exercises into your regular routine to optimize your capabilities and help prevent pain & injury. DM “interested” if you want to learn about the online coaching program I’ve used to help countless clients reach their potential. #TheCorrectedProtocol #CorrectiveExercise #CorrectiveExerciseSpecialist #PersonalTrainer #OnMyCoach #FunctionalExercise #muscleimbalance #LowBackPain #Backpain #Posture #ShoulderPain #HipPain #KneePain #PosteriorObliqueSubSystem #TransverseRotation #Kedela #mindset


The Corrective Protocol


When you have a rounded/unstable shoulder. There’s a lot of other factors that go in to the process if fixing it. (Myofascia release, strengthening rhomboids, mid/lower traps, posterior rotator cuff) You can see those other steps in my post, “fix your rounded shoulders”. But this specific portion of it involving the serratus interior is typically the parts people have the most challenges with, in ky experience. When you go through the process, the goal is to progressively strengthen the serratus anterior, and as with any sort of corrective process in order for it to function properly, you have to integrate into into other more complex movements. So ideally, you want to get proficient at one step before you move to the next. Once the serratus anterior is strengthened enough then you go to more integrative exercises and again, not progressing unless you can keep the serratus interior engaged properly through the full range of motion. All these exercises can be done in the format of 2 to 3 sets of 12 to 15 reps. Keep in mind the mind/muscle connection of activating thr SA so really concentrate on that muscles firing. Also shoulder instability often is rooted in a lack of stability and proper movement function in thespine or the hips. So that may need to be addressed. If you want help through my coaching program, just DM “online coach” and I’ll reach out to you. Also yes, I am aware and have been told that I should smile more in my videos. 😡😁 Didn’t feel like reshooting this after I saw the video. Lol. 😜 #OnlineCoach #CorrectiveExerciseSpecialist #TheCorrectiveProtocol #PostureCorrection #ShoulderPosture #RoundedShoulders #NeckPain #BackPain #PersonalTrainer #SerratusAnterior #CorrectiveExercise #Fitness


The Corrective Protocol


An Anterior Pelvic Tilt (aka Lower Crossed Syndrome) is one of the most common imbalances of modern day living. Affecting three out of four people, not only does it cause your back pain and your stomach to push out, but because all major body movement including walking, begins in the hip area, if your hips are out of alignment there’s a negative domino effect that goes through your whole body and causes a ton of issues. Like most imbalances though, it’s very fixable. It may be a pain to do these exercises and stretches regularly, but that doesn’t compare to the amount of pain that can come directly or indirectly from having your hips out of alignment, which literally can affect everything from head to toe. As with any corrective process, once your realign your body, you need to to integrative exercise in different movement patterns to prevent it from coming back. That’s not something I can fit all into a 60 second video but if you want help with that just or anything fitness/exercise related, DM me, "Hip Tilt" and I can reach out to you. Share this video with anybody who you think could benefit from this. Thanks. #thecorrectiveprotocol #correctiveexercisespecialist #correctiveexercise #personaltrainer #onlinetrainer #onlinecoach #anteriorpelvictilt #lowercrossedsyndrome #backpain #lowbackpain #posture #health #fitness #desiremusic #lovelife


The Corrective Protocol


The neck hump, aka Dowager’s hump, not only isn’t great aesthetically, but that dysfunction can be the cause of a lot of headaches and bodyaches. When it’s not addressed and then becomes a buffalo hump when the fat deposits start to build there, it’s your body‘s way of trying to protect the spine because it’s exposed and not in a natural position. it is very fixable though. just follow the steps daily and avoid doing things that cause these issues like sitting in front of a computer with bad posture or sleeping with too many pillows. DM me if you need help with this. #thecorrectiveprotocol #correctiveexercisespecialist #correctiveexercise #neckhump #dowagershump #buffalohump #neckpain #headaches #backpain #shoulderpain #onlinecoach #posture


The Corrective Protocol


Stretching tight muscles may seem intuitive when it comes to working on your body to improve it, but that’s not always the answer. Improving on your body and health, whether it be for aesthetics, pain relief, athletics purposes, functionality or just general health, takes time and commitment. The last thing you want do is spend a lot of time doing the wrong thing, that ends up being counterproductive. The more you can learn about your body and the way it works the better off in life you’ll be. Learn concepts like reciprocal inhibition and what the bodies natural position/function should be and you’ll be heading in the right direction. Share this with anybody you can benefit from it. Thanks ##ZCorrectiveProtocol #CorrectiveExercise #CorrectiveExerciseSpecialists #OnlineCoach #PersonalTrainer #MuscleImbalances #AnteriorPelvicTilt #APT #Stretching #Hamstrings #HipPain #LowerBackPain #Myofasciarelease #FoamRoll


The Corrective Protocol


Lower back pain and a tight Quadratus Lumborum (aka QL) are typically just symptoms of something off in the body or lifestyle. Whether it be muscular imbalances, misalignment of the joints, lack of or activity/strength/mobility or more… But that being said, if a relieving lower back pain in a quick manner is the immediate priority, myofascia release and stretching can often provide that. (forgot to mention in the video, ideally hold the last stretch for about 45 to 60 seconds) If you want to look further into understanding why you have back pain and what actual root cause is, DM “online coach” and I can tell you about the coaching program I have that helps people get rid of pain and optimize their bodies through the proper exercise. #TheCorrectiveProtocol #CorrectiveExerciseSpecialist #CorrectiveExercise #LowBackPain #QuadratusLumborum #QL #BackPain #HipPain #KneePain #ShoulderPain #OnlineCoach #PersonalTrainer #MyofasciaRelease #Painfree #phantogram


The Corrective Protocol


If you truly believed you could reach your goals, then why wouldn’t you go after them? Life is too short not to. Challenge rules; - DM or Comment to me by end of day 11/11/23, “30 day challenge” - i’ll respond to you with a few questions about what goals in life you have and get your commitment towards personal growth for the next 30 days. - Everyday for 30 days, do the following; - the night before or the morning of, think about what challenge you’re going to do for that day. Fully commit that youll get it done no matter what, and then message me what the challenge will be. example; “Day 1, 20 minute walk” - After you’ve completed the challenge, send me a message saying “Day1 complete” and take a picture or send me some type of proof, (if possible) that it was done, like a screenshot from your phone of the 20 minute walk or a picture of what you did, like “clean the garage”. - keep in mind the purpose of this is for growth. So don’t do the same challenge two days in a row. Because we all have a lot of things that we don’t like to do that are good for us and if youre not repeating the same ones every day you’ll eventually get around to doing the things that you really really don’t like to do. 😜 - be sure to keep in mind the three parts of the criteria; 1.) Something that’s good for you, 2.) that you don’t like to do 3.) and is challenging. Challenge examples; no cheat meals, exercise, clean the house, no smoking, make a budget, read a book, reach out to and old friend/family member, talk to a stranger… if you message me, I’ll respond. if I don’t hear from you I’m going to reach out. If I don’t hear from you for more than three days, I’m going to put my time towards the people who are more committed. If you message me again later on you’re back in the mix and we’ll keep gping. 💪🏽 Just to be clear, this is not free training and nutritional advice. I’m just going to help keep you accountable and focused. (Liability reasons and my paying clients wouldn’t appreciate it. 😉) If you’ll commit to yourself, I’ll commit to you. Let’s go!!!!!!!! 💪🏽💪🏽 share this. #30daygrowthchallenge #TheCorrectiveProtocol


The Corrective Protocol


Before you run you to have be able to walk. And before you walk you have to be able to stand. One of the most common issues that have to be addressed with new clients of mine who have a history of working out stems from the fact that their core muscles are not strong enough compared to the rest of the muscles in their body. For example, the core muscles are not strong enough to support how strong their legs are when they squat which can often lead to injuries, especially in the lower back. The Lumbo pelvic complex is the deepest set of muscles within the body and the foundation for where movement begins. Just like building a house on a strong foundation, the stronger the core stability is the more you can build on top of it and a better your overall abilities will be. Yes, the beginner level ones, like a plank, are some of the more mundane things you can do but the benefits are huge. And when you advance into more complex core stabilization exercises, they can be more interesting, but more importantly, incredibly beneficial. #TheCorrectiveProtocol #CorrectiveExercise #CorrectiveExerciseSpecialist #CoreStability#CoreStabilityTraining #CoreStabilization #CoreMuscles #LumboPelvicComplex #InjuryPrevention #LowBackPain #KneePain #BackPain #CoreTrainingProgression #obstacle1 #OnlineCoach #PersonalTrainer #Abs #Plank


The Corrective Protocol


Happy Thanksgiving everybody!! Hope you’re getting to spend some time with your loved ones today. 🦃❤️😊 I have a great Black Friday promotion I’m running for the holiday to share with you. If you are any of the following people, this holiday special will benefit you; - chronic or reoccurring pain - rehabbing from injury. - you’ve seen the “specialist” and the only answer is painkillers. - poor posture (with or without pain associated). - can’t get your eating under control and/or don’t have a solid understanding of nutrition. - repetitive injuries and/pain, especially from working out - new to working out/training - you know you have imbalances in your body (like anterior pelvic tilt) but have no idea where or how to start addressing them. - tried over and over to make changes in your life but can’t seem to get it. - general overall health could/should be better. - you know what to do but can’t get yourself to do it. - you have no pain, you know how to train but want to learn more and take your training to the next level. 💪🏽 For anybody who’s considering making any of those changes in there life, right now for the holiday, I’m offering my 90 minute, (normally $199) for just $29. What’s included in the assessment? - discuss in detail your goals or any issues you’re dealing with that you’d like to make changes on. - lifestyle and nutrition assessment. - assess postural deviations, muscular imbalances an movement dysfunctions that can cause pain and injuries. - this assessment doesn’t apply to everybody, nor does my schedule allow to accommodate everybody that I’d like to. But if you’re ready to make some changes in your life and want to see if this is for you, DM “online coach or for “in person training” or just click the link in my Instagram bio to set up a quick 10 minute discovery call to discuss. Spaces are very limited. Thanks everybody. Don’t eat too much pumpkin pie. 😜🥧 #TheCorrectiveProtocol #onlinecoach #PersonalTrainer #BlackFridaySpecial #CorrectiveExeticseSpecialist