TikTok video #7193802749589425454 posted by @catsofsanbernardino

Some inspiration for your Saturday 🤗 Here is a montage of the release days of some of our TNR Cats.  TNR is still very misunderstood and we hope that our videos can help shed some light on the process.  We first want to let everyone know that all of the cats that we TNR have designated caretakers. Meaning someone is providing them with food and water and will contact us if they have future health concerns.  We live in a very urban area. We know a lot of people think that these feral cats are endangering birds. That is not an accurate assessment of San Bernardino. First, these cats have food and are not needing to hunt. Secondly, this is an extremely urban environment, we don't have endangered birds and if we did, it would be the humans moving into their environment that was a danger to them.  Socializing all feral cats is not an attainable solution! Socializing one feral takes months and in that time countless other friendly adoptable cats can be rescued.  Euthanasia as suggested by many cat haters is also not a solution. Removing feral cats from an area creates what is called the vacuum effect. If cats are thriving in the area removing the current population means that they will be replaced by new cats. These new cats will fight for territory and begin procreation again and again in an endless cycle. The best solution for controlling the population is having a fixed healthy population. The numbers will remain stable and the territory will remain controlled by the current population.  Our goal is to spay and neuter 28 cats a month. That is 336 cats a year. Each of those 336 cats would help produce on average 12 kittens a year, that is 4032 kittens that will be prevented from being born on the streets just this year.  Please consider joining our efforts by becoming a monthly donor. Link in bio @catsofsanbernardino #cats #savinglives #tnrsaveslives #tnr #tnrworks
