TikTok video #7254176196735274282 posted by @endocrinenutritionist

There’s a lot of evidence to support meal replacement for weight loss -> make it homemade to make it high quality and it’s a double win. Smoothies are a great way to start your day out nutritionally strong, satisfied and anti-inflammatory. The 🍋 helps prevent any potential glucose spikes… along with the protein and healthy fat in the ground flaxseed. A 5-10% weight loss improves PCOS outcomes by optimizing fertility, improving insulin resistance, lowering androgen levels, optimizing the lipid profile and managing symptoms. The more specific and evidence based the weight loss strategy, the better. A plant-forward eating pattern like the MedDiet will aid in weight loss AND PCOS remission. I hope you have a beautiful week! What’s on your summer bucket list? #pcos #pcosweightloss #pcosnutrition #antiinflammatorydiet #mediterraneandiet #womenshealth #insulinresistance
