TikTok video #7258709565301099822 posted by @endocrinenutritionist

Cutting calories and/or eliminating food groups is a superficial weight loss strategy. You’ll get results in the short term, but it will never be sustainable because you’re not addressing the underlying metabolic imbalance e.g. inflammation, insulin resistance and gut dysbiosis. Instead, focus on a QUALITY first approach. This is a longer game, but it’s actually sustainable because your cravings will be managed and your inflammation will be reduced. A plant-forward eating pattern, like the Mediterranean diet, is the way to do this. I teach you exactly how to implement this for PCOS remission in the full life society. Doors open 8.2.23 -> link in bio to learn more or send me a DM with the word “society.” ✌️🌱 #pcos #pcosweightloss #mediterraneandiet #inflammation #antiinflammatorydiet #endocrinenutritionist #pcoslifestyle #womenshealth #pcosdiet
