TikTok video #7262435718029511969 posted by @discoveryoucounselling

Self-criticism is the act of thinking negatively about yourself.  Individuals with self-critical tendencies face self-created problems due to their harsh standards and internalized social values for self-evaluation. As a result, they’re unsure of their thoughts, feelings, and emotions. Examples of self-critical thoughts include: “I’m a failure” “I can never do anything right” “I am not good enough” “I should have done better on that test” “I am not going to get the promotion at work” “They will choose someone else” #selfcriticism ##selfcritical #selfcriticism #perfectionist #terrofiedoffailing #overlyresponsible #cravecontrol #ruminate #overthink #overthinking #negativeselftalk #lowselfessteem #easilyirritated #easilyannoyed #insecure #avoidexpressingopinion #counselling #counsellingservices #counsellingtools #counsellingtips #counsellingavailable #counsellingandpsychotherapy #counsellinghelps #therapy #therapist #therapysession #therapyavailable #therapyworks #talkinghelps
