TikTok video #7264683133520416043 posted by @sarantosfitness

The lean morning body gets PUMPED in the afternoon. Its crazy what a difference comes from few meals, a few liters of water, a change in lighting, and an upper body workout. The 6.7% bodyfat was measured by my gym's InBody Scanner. I can't speak to it accuracy, but I've found it to be pretty consistent. Before vacation it measured me at 232 lb and 5.5% bodyfat. Four weeks prior I was 240 lb and 8.5% bodyfat. All weight changes are reportedly due to changes is bodyfat as skeletal muscle mass stayed constant at 127 lb. I really don't care what my bodyfat % is. Its more fun to share my numbers then watch people argue about it in the comments 😝 My quick tips for shedding fat: 1. Eat meats, eggs, fruits, and veggies. 2. Eat starches after workouts only 3. Lots of water and steps throughout day 4. Consistent sleep schedule 5. More low intensity cardio, less high intensity cardio 6. Lift weights hard to preserve muscle #bodybuilding #pump #pecs physique #bodyfat #bodyfatpercentage #leanmuscle #cutting #bodybuilder #bodytransformation #fatloss #
