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Paul Sarantos | Fitness Coach

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Paul Sarantos | Fitness Coach


Genetics aren’t everything. Your habits matter more than you realize. Choose healthy habits and you’ll feel, look, and perform to your genetic potential. Otherwise you’ll probably feel like shit and die decades earlier than you should. Like my dad. ☹️ #fitnesstips #sarantosfitness #parentfitness #fitdad #fitparents


Paul Sarantos | Fitness Coach


If you can't "feel" your pecs, then try these banded pressed at home. Really focus on bringing the hands together and squeezing the pecs hard. They're also great for training front delts and abs, since there's no bench to provide support. #pecs #pecbounce #pecworkout #pectraining #chestworkout #chesttraining #bands #bandworkouts #garageworkout #garage #garagegym #fitdadclub #strongdad #strengthtraining #steelteam #sarantosfitness


Paul Sarantos | Fitness Coach


If you're not training your core at home with bands then you're missing out. Attach one end to a tree branch, door frame, or other sturdy structure then grab the other end and step away. You can stand sideways to the band with arms outstretched as shown or face away holding your arms overhead. The goal is the same: apply torque to your body and engage your core muscles to keep the spine strong and stable. Start light, go slow. They get challenging quickly. Increase the intesnity and duration over time. #coreworkout #core #abs #absworkout #sixpackabs #sixpack #bands #bandsworkout #fitdad #sarantosfitness


Paul Sarantos | Fitness Coach


My little gent cleans up so nicely. We had quite the day together. Logged over 14k steps running him around the gym, pool, salon, mall, and vineyard. #haircut #beforeandafter #boyshaircut #mensstyle #menshair #menshaircut #fatherandson #fatherhood #dadandson


Paul Sarantos | Fitness Coach


Do yourself a favor and start tracking your body measurements. It takes less than 5 minutes using this retracrable body tape measure available on Amazon. Bodyweight will never tell the whole story. Your measurements will make it clear if you're losing fat, gaining muscle, or both. Funny to see that my left arm is bigger than my right while my left leg is smaller. Fun fact: all measurements have increased over the past year except waist 😎 #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fitnesscoach #bodybuilding #bodybuilder #bodymeasurements #tapemeasure #biceps #chest #shoulders #waist #hips #thigh #calf #sarantosfitness


Paul Sarantos | Fitness Coach


The lean morning body gets PUMPED in the afternoon. Its crazy what a difference comes from few meals, a few liters of water, a change in lighting, and an upper body workout. The 6.7% bodyfat was measured by my gym's InBody Scanner. I can't speak to it accuracy, but I've found it to be pretty consistent. Before vacation it measured me at 232 lb and 5.5% bodyfat. Four weeks prior I was 240 lb and 8.5% bodyfat. All weight changes are reportedly due to changes is bodyfat as skeletal muscle mass stayed constant at 127 lb. I really don't care what my bodyfat % is. Its more fun to share my numbers then watch people argue about it in the comments 😝 My quick tips for shedding fat: 1. Eat meats, eggs, fruits, and veggies. 2. Eat starches after workouts only 3. Lots of water and steps throughout day 4. Consistent sleep schedule 5. More low intensity cardio, less high intensity cardio 6. Lift weights hard to preserve muscle #bodybuilding #pump #pecs physique #bodyfat #bodyfatpercentage #leanmuscle #cutting #bodybuilder #bodytransformation #fatloss #


Paul Sarantos | Fitness Coach


High bar squat vs low bar squat Which should you do? Both. You will likely prefer one over the other, but both should be trained regularly. Personally, due to my height (6' 3") I am more suited to the low bar squat. But I still train the high bar squat to maintain quad strength (along with front squats and hack squats). Despite their differences, they are more alike than different; -big breath, hold, and brace at top -vertical bar path -thighs to parallel or below -strong, flat back, engaged lats -knees out, aligned with feet -strong feet, equal force distribution #squats #backsquats #legday #legworkout #quads #glutes #barbellsquats #barbell #powetlifting #strengthtraining #sarantosfitness


Paul Sarantos | Fitness Coach


This is a pretty typical “cutting” lunch for me: leftovers. Somewhere around 600 calories with 60-70g of protein. It’s a boring, low calorie meal that fills me up on nutrient rich meats and veggies. If I was bulking I’d add about 400 cals of white rice. If I didn’t have leftover chicken then I’d eat high quality deli turkey along with carrots, berries, or other filling foods. The sauerkraut and beets are pretty standard for lunch too. Fermented foods like sauerkraut are great for the gut, so I try to eat some every day. If I was going in to the office then I’d pack this lunch in containers along with a protein shake and a protein bar - just in case I get hungry on the long drive. If I didn’t pack lunch, then I’d eat at a Subway or sandwich shop, opting for double meat and I’d probably take half the bread off. I save my big meals for dinner, which is usually after my workouts. Dinners will be 1000-1300 cals with more starches, even when cutting. My total daily calorie intake is around 3000 on average while cutting, with a daily protein target of 200-240g. I don’t track bc I don’t have to. I spent a full year tracking. I know what to eat and how much. And I track my bodyweight to make sure it’s moving in the direction I want. In this case, I’m aiming to drop 5 lbs of fat in the next 4 weeks. So far I’m right on track. And most importantly, I never feel hungry or restricted in my diet. I get to eat plenty of the foods I love, just not at every damn meal. Ask a question in the comments. I’m happy to help however I can. #nutrition #nutritiontips #cutting #food #lunch #beets #eatingtips #fatlosstips #sarantosfitness


Paul Sarantos | Fitness Coach


Get healthy to feel better. You’ll lose fat too if you stick with it long enough. And you’ll probably also ✅ Live longer ✅ Have more energy all day ✅ Have less body aches and pain ✅ Be more disciplined and resilient ✅ Feel better about yourself and life in general Eat right. Move more. Lift weights. Sleep well. Chill. And LIVE PRIME 🏆 #fitness #fitnessmotivation #fitnessjourney #fattofit #fitdad #motivation #Lifestyle #liveprime #sarantosfitness