TikTok video #7266499858868096289 posted by @marijamazalin

Lijeni kolač s čokoladom (na čaše)❣️ (english below) | Easy chocolate cake 😍 SASTOJCI - čaša je od 200ml, iako možete koristiti i veću za veći pleh; ovaj pleh je 21x25cm • 4 jaja • 1 čaša šećera • 3/4 čaše ulja • 1 čvrsti jogurt (180g) • 2 čaše glatkog brašna (do vrha) • 1 puding od vanilije (običan za kuhanje, 42g, u prahu iz vrecice) • 1 prašak za pecivo • 200g tamna čokolada za kuhanje • šećer u prahu za posipati RECEPT - upalite pećnicu na 170’C 1. Dobro izmiksati jaja i šećer dok se ne poduplaju u volumenu i ne poblijede 2. Dodati i ulje, jogurt, brasno, puding i prasak za pecivo te kratko izmiksati na lagano samo da se sve samo sjedini i prožme 3. Nasjeckati čokoladu (ja volim na veće komadiće) pa ju ubaciti i isto samo promiješati 4. Pleh obložiti papirom za pečenje i smjesu prebaciti u njega te ravnomjerno rasporediti 5. Peci 40min na 170’C, na donjoj postavci pećnice (nakon 35-te min provjeravajte, kad gore lagano posmedji - gotovo je) 6. Kad se malo ohladi, posipajte secerom u prahu i uzivajte 💞 ❣️ENGLISH INGREDIENTS - the glass is 200 ml, although you can use a larger one for a larger tray; this tray is 20x27cm • 4 eggs • 1 glass of sugar • 3/4 cup of oil • 1 solid yogurt (180g) • 2 glasses of plain flour (up to the top) • 1 vanilla pudding (regular for cooking, 42g, powdered from a bag) • 1 baking powder • 200g dark chocolate for cooking • powdered sugar for sprinkling RECIPE - turn on the oven at 170’C 1. Mix the eggs and sugar well until they double in volume and turn pale 2. Add the oil, yogurt, flour, pudding and baking powder and mix for a short time on a low speed just to combine everything 3. Chop the chocolate (I like it into larger pieces) then add it and just mix in 4. Cover the tray with baking paper and transfer the mixture to it and spread it evenly 5. Bake for 40 minutes at 170’C, on the lower setting of the oven (check after 35 minutes, when the top turns slightly brown - it’s done) 6. When it cools down a bit, sprinkle with powdered sugar and enjoy 💞 #kolac #cokolada #recept #chocolate #cake #Recipe #easy
