TikTok video #7299163091797839147 posted by @thecorrectiveprotocol

If you truly believed you could reach your goals, then why wouldn’t you go after them? Life is too short not to. Challenge rules; - DM or Comment to me by end of day 11/11/23, “30 day challenge” - i’ll respond to you with a few questions about what goals in life you have and get your commitment towards personal growth for the next 30 days. - Everyday for 30 days, do the following; - the night before or the morning of, think about what challenge you’re going to do for that day. Fully commit that youll get it done no matter what, and then message me what the challenge will be. example; “Day 1, 20 minute walk” - After you’ve completed the challenge, send me a message saying “Day1 complete” and take a picture or send me some type of proof, (if possible) that it was done, like a screenshot from your phone of the 20 minute walk or a picture of what you did, like “clean the garage”. - keep in mind the purpose of this is for growth. So don’t do the same challenge two days in a row. Because we all have a lot of things that we don’t like to do that are good for us and if youre not repeating the same ones every day you’ll eventually get around to doing the things that you really really don’t like to do. 😜 - be sure to keep in mind the three parts of the criteria; 1.) Something that’s good for you, 2.) that you don’t like to do 3.) and is challenging. Challenge examples; no cheat meals, exercise, clean the house, no smoking, make a budget, read a book, reach out to and old friend/family member, talk to a stranger… if you message me, I’ll respond. if I don’t hear from you I’m going to reach out. If I don’t hear from you for more than three days, I’m going to put my time towards the people who are more committed. If you message me again later on you’re back in the mix and we’ll keep gping. 💪🏽 Just to be clear, this is not free training and nutritional advice. I’m just going to help keep you accountable and focused. (Liability reasons and my paying clients wouldn’t appreciate it. 😉) If you’ll commit to yourself, I’ll commit to you. Let’s go!!!!!!!! 💪🏽💪🏽 share this. #30daygrowthchallenge #TheCorrectiveProtocol
