TikTok video #7308847544459693355 posted by @kayandtayofficial

How did I not know this was a thing? 😳😅 Backstory ::: We’ve had two great weeks with bean. I’ve learned a lot about taking care of a newborn. Before bean I had never even changed a diaper. 😂 While changing her, I noticed that her umbilical cord had fallen off in her clothing. I didn’t think this was a big deal so I finished changing her and threw it in the trash. This was a mistake. 😂 Apparently Kay had been waiting on it to fall off so that she could save it forever in a little plastic bag. I’m not sure why she wanted it so bad but she’s made it clear that it’s very important that she keeps it. Later while she was changing Ellie, she started yelling my name to come to her. She had noticed that her umbilical cord was missing and panicked. She then retrieved the umbilical cord from the trash and stored it safely in a little plastic bag. I’m so thankful that I put off taking out the trash. I hope that when bean grows up, she’s super excited to have a small dried fragment of her belly button. 😂 #kayandtayofficial #couples #relationships #pregnant #postpartum
