TikTok videos hashtag #everychildmatters


Every. Child. Matters. The Boarding School Era is a difficult and painful history that has had a long-lasting impact on our people, families, communities and culture. We still don’t know the true number of children forced to attend these schools, the number of children who were abused, died, or went missing while at these schools. But our cultures survived; we will never give up on repairing the harm done to our people, communities, and way of life. Our Community & Behavioral Services Healing Center is here to help. If you or a loved one are struggling with mental health or substance use issues related to generational trauma, reach out for help. #Tlingit #Haida #Indigenous #NativeTikTok #BoardingSchools #OrangeShirtDay #EveryChildMatters Learn more: https://cbs.ccthita-nsn.gov/


September 30 is the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. #aptnnews #everychildmatters #ndtr #truthandreconciliation