TikTok videos hashtag #hydrate


Rating all of my hydrating serums πŸ’™βœ¨ The most important points for me when it comes to evaluating any hydrating product is first how my skin does feel after application, but also how it feels at the end of the day πŸ₯° Hydration is such an important part of your routine: it helps lock in the water within your skin, which can help preventing premature aging skin (fine lines, wrinkles) but also can encourage faster skin healing, among other things 🫢🏼 Don’t forget they need to be applied on damp skin, always β™ΎοΈπŸ’™ #kbeauty #hydrationtreatment #hydration #hydratedskin #hydrate #hydratingskincare #hydratingserum #skincare #skincaretips #bestskincare #bestskincareproducts #besthydration #hydratingfacial #skincareroutine #skincarecommunity #kbeautyproducts


kbeauty is the OG of skin flooding πŸ’¦ all about hydration with minimal acids. products in order: shangpree, isntree, troiareueke, shangpree. #skinflooding #skinfloodingroutine #kbeauty #hydrate #dryskincareroutine #dryskincare #hydratingskincare #beautytipswithava #skinroutine #7skinmethod #skintrends


πŸ’¦ What Color is Your Pee? πŸ‘‰ While this demonstration isn’t perfect and it can vary, the overall colors used are meant to point you in the right direction. πŸ’§ Most people think having clear pee is good, but it actually means you might be drinking TOO much water or not taking in enough electrolytes. 🍎 If your pee looks like apple juice or anything close to it, you are likely not getting enough water and need to up your intake of water. πŸ‹ But if your pee resembles a light yellow color to some extent you are likely well hydrated. #water #hydrate #dehydration drated