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🧠 Teaching you about the human body 👇🏼 Back Pain Relief



Manual Osteopath | Health ⚕️

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Manual Osteopath | Health ⚕️


Manual Osteopath | Health ⚕️


3 Movements To Improve Lymph Flow & Reduce Inflammation #lymphaticdrainage #lymphaticsystem #inflammation #healthtok #LearnOnTikTok #wellness #lymph


Manual Osteopath | Health ⚕️


👉🏼 The posterior muscles of the back form a complex network that extends from the base of the skull to the pelvis. . These muscles can be broadly categorized into superficial, intermediate, and deep layers. . Each layer plays a vital role in stabilizing the spine, maintaining posture, facilitating movement, and protecting vital structures. . 👉🏼 Superficial Layer: . ▪️Trapezius Muscle: The trapezius muscle is responsible for various movements of the shoulder girdle. It enables elevation, depression, retraction, and rotation of the scapula, contributing to the proper functioning of the upper limb. . ▪️Latissimus Dorsi Muscle: connects the upper extremity to the vertebral column. It plays a crucial role in arm adduction, extension, and medial rotation, aiding in activities such as pulling, pushing, and throwing. . 👉🏼Intermediate Layer: . ▪️Rhomboid Muscles: The rhomboid major and rhomboid minor muscles lie beneath the trapezius and attach the scapulae to the thoracic vertebrae. They retract and stabilize the scapulae, promoting correct posture and facilitating movements involving the shoulder girdle. . 👉🏼 Deep Layer: . ▪️Erector Spinae Muscles: consisting of the iliocostalis, longissimus, and spinalis muscles, span the entire length of the vertebral column. These muscles play a pivotal role in maintaining upright posture, spinal extension, and lateral flexion. . ▪️Transversospinalis Muscles: comprising the semispinalis, multifidus, and rotatores muscles, is situated deep within the erector spinae muscles. They contribute to the stabilization, rotation, and extension of the spine, allowing for fine motor control and proprioception. . Interconnected Function and Postural Impact: . The posterior muscles of the back work synergistically to provide stability, strength, and coordinated movement to the human body. . Optimal functioning of these muscles is crucial for maintaining proper posture and preventing musculoskeletal imbalances that can lead to pain and dysfunction. . #humananatomy #btosteopathy #backmuscles #posteriorchain #muscles #manualtherapy #manualosteopathy #functionalanatomy #posture #badposture


Manual Osteopath | Health ⚕️


Manual Osteopath | Health ⚕️


💥Here are 3 movements to improve lymphatic flow & reduce inflammation💥 . Here’s how joint movement aids in improving lymphatic function and circulation: . 👉🏼 Muscle contractions: When you move a joint, the surrounding muscles contract and relax, creating a pumping action. This muscle movement helps compress the lymphatic vessels, which encourages the flow of lymph fluid. The rhythmic contraction and relaxation of muscles around the joint act as a natural pump, aiding in the movement of lymphatic fluid. . 👉🏼 Compression and decompression: Joint movement involves compression and decompression of tissues around the joint. This compression and decompression action helps squeeze the lymphatic vessels, promoting the movement of lymph fluid. When you move a joint, such as bending and extending it, the surrounding tissues undergo changes in pressure, facilitating lymphatic circulation. . 👉🏼 Increased lymphatic flow: Joint movement increases the flow of lymphatic fluid in the nearby lymphatic vessels. As the joint moves, the pressure changes in the tissues help push the lymphatic fluid forward, enhancing its circulation. This increased flow of lymph helps remove metabolic waste products, toxins, and excess fluid from the area, improving overall tissue health. . 👉🏼 Enhanced immune response: The lymphatic system plays a vital role in immune function. It transports immune cells, such as lymphocytes and antigen-presenting cells, to the affected areas. Joint movement stimulates lymphatic circulation, which aids in the efficient transport of immune cells, enhancing the immune response in the specific area. This can be beneficial for resolving inflammation, fighting infections, and promoting healing. . ✅ Like, Save, Comment & Share for more videos like this one! . #lymphaticdrainage #lymphaticsystem #inflammation #inflammationrelief #lymphedema #btosteopathy #healthtok


Manual Osteopath | Health ⚕️


💥Who can relate? Good news: Osteopathic practitioners assess the entire body to find the root cause of the problem. If you’re not sure what an Osteopath is… this is your sign to see one. #osteopath #osteopathy #manualtherapy #painmemes #btosteopathy #bodymechanics


Manual Osteopath | Health ⚕️


💥Mitosis💥 . Is the process of cell division that happens in our body’s cells. It consists of several stages: . 👉🏼Prophase: The chromosomes inside the cell become visible and start to coil up. The protective layer around the nucleus breaks down, and structures called centrioles move to opposite ends of the cell. . 👉🏼Prometaphase: The nuclear envelope completely disappears, and the chromosomes connect to spindle fibers. The chromosomes become even more tightly packed. . 👉🏼Metaphase: The chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell, like they are on a plate. The spindle fibers attach to each chromosome to make sure they are properly aligned. . 👉🏼Anaphase: The pairs of chromosomes separate, and the spindle fibers pull them to opposite ends of the cell. . 👉🏼Telophase: The separated chromosomes reach the ends of the cell, and new nuclear membranes start forming around them. The chromosomes begin to relax and become less tightly packed. The spindle fibers break down. . 👉🏼Cytokinesis: The cell’s cytoplasm divides, forming two separate daughter cells. In animal cells, the cell pinches in the middle, while in plant cells, a wall-like structure forms to separate the two cells. . Through mitosis, the original cell divides into two identical cells, each with its own set of chromosomes. These new cells can then perform their specific functions or continue dividing if needed. . #mitosis #cellbiology #biology #physiology #anatomy #humanbody #btosteopathy


Manual Osteopath | Health ⚕️


Manual Osteopath | Health ⚕️


The ankle joint. The foot is a complex structure composed of 33 joints, 26 bones and more than 100 muscles, tendons and ligaments. All of these structures work together to bear weight, help with balance and transmit force as we walk. Dysfunction of the ankle joint can be caused by certain types of shoes such as narrow shoes or heels. Spraining the ankle or lack of foot mobility can have a negative affect on the function of the ankle. Proper movement of the ankle is crucial for knee and hip health. Osteopathic treatment can help improve ankle function. #anklejoint #footpain #humananatomy #humanbody #healthtips #anklejointpain