@byamandaflow - Amanda Flow Profile


"🌿 Breathwork, Yoga, Sound Healing 🎶 | Guiding your journey to inner Bliss ✨



Amanda Flow

@byamandaflow ‘s Videos


Amanda Flow


𐂲Hypopressive exercises have gained attention for their potential benefits on core strength, posture, and pelvic floor function. Here are some potential benefits: ✰Core Strength: By engaging deep core muscles, hypopressives improve core strength, stability, and control. ✰Posture Improvement: Specific postures and breathing patterns in hypopressives promote postural realignment, correcting imbalances and reducing excessive lordosis. ✰Pelvic Floor Health: Hypopressive exercises strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, potentially reducing symptoms of pelvic floor disorders. ✰Diaphragmatic Breathing: Hypopressives emphasize deep inhalations and complete exhalations, improving lung capacity and respiratory function. ✰Abdominal Tone and Waistline Reduction: Regular practice may tone abdominal muscles and lead to a flatter midsection. 𐂲Today we practiced Hestia, one of the four basic postures in Hypopressive 𐂲Hypopressive vs Uddiyana bandha. Hypopressive exercises involve a sequence of postures, while uddiyana bandha focuses on standing or sitting postures. 𐂲Practice few min a day • • • #hypopressive #hypoflow #breathwork #breathworkhealing #yoga #lpf#soundhealing


Amanda Flow


☀️Enhance your morning routine by incorporating a 10-minute meditation and exercise session to elevate your energy. ✮Begin with Nadi Shodhana, a technique for purifying and balancing the brain’s hemispheres. Sit in a comfortable position with a tall and sexy spine. Close your eyes and take a deep, relaxed breath. Use your thumb to close your right nostril while placing your index and middle fingers on your third eye. Inhale through your left nostril. Close the left nostril with your right ring finger and exhale through the right nostril, pumping your navel in. Repeat this pattern for one minute, and then alternate sides for another minute. Take it slow and gradually increase your proficiency in the exercise before spending. ✶Next, perform the Spinal Flex exercise to warm up your spine and increase the flow of prana (life force energy). Inhale through your nose and arch your back, then exhale through your nose and flex your spine, drawing your navel in. Maintain a slow and meditative pace. ✬Move on to Cow pose, which strengthens and opens your core and lower back. Inhale as you look up and arch your back, then exhale as you round your spine and tuck your chin towards your chest. Repeat this sequence 5-10 times. ✰Surya Namaskar, also known as Sun Salutation, forms the foundation of Vinyasa flow movements. Connect each posture with your breath as you flow through the sequence. Repeat it 3 rounds each leg side. ✶Conclude your session with a 5-minute meditation. Sit with a tall spine, relaxed shoulders, and focus on your breathing while directing your attention to your third eye. Bring your hands to Namaskar (prayer position) and set a beautiful intention for the rest of your day. ✮Remember to express gratitude for a few things in your life and set a goal for the day. Embrace a positive mindset. Namaste 🪄🧘🏼‍♀️🧘🏽‍♂️🙏🏼 • • • #yoga #breathwork #soundhealing #hypoflow #yogagirl #yogaflow #amandaflow #yogawear #comfywear


Amanda Flow


“It is often tempting and comfortable to attribute our own unhappiness to external factors and blame others. However, adopting a different perspective requires a greater challenge. It involves transcending our limiting mindset and taking full responsibility for our lives, which requires humility. Ultimately, the power to change our perception of life lies solely within ourselves. To live the life we desire, we must release our old belief systems and grant ourselves the freedom to pursue anything we wish. It is fruitless to compare ourselves to others or covet their lives, as we are unaware of the struggles they may have faced to reach their current position. Instead, we should concentrate on self-improvement and embrace new ways to shape the life we aspire to lead. Today is the day to embark on this journey of personal transformation.” Your time has come! • • • “Muitas vezes é tentador e confortável atribuir nossa própria infelicidade a fatores externos e culpar os outros. No entanto, adotar uma perspectiva diferente requer um desafio maior. Envolve transcender nossa mentalidade limitante e assumir total responsabilidade por nossas vidas, o que requer humildade. Em última análise, o poder de mudar nossa percepção da vida está apenas dentro de nós mesmos. Para viver a vida que desejamos, devemos liberar nossos velhos sistemas de crenças e nos conceder a liberdade de perseguir tudo o que desejamos. É inútil comparar-nos com os outros ou cobiçar suas vidas, pois não temos consciência das lutas que eles podem ter enfrentado para chegar à sua posição atual. Em vez disso, devemos nos concentrar no autoaperfeiçoamento e adotar novas maneiras de moldar a vida que aspiramos levar. Hoje é o dia de embarcar nessa jornada de transformação pessoal.” A sua hora chegou! • • •#yoga #yogagirl #yogaflow #amandaflow


Amanda Flow


୭“Embrace the comfort of what truly suits you. Experience the liberating feeling of being at ease and unrestricted. Limited pieces. Place your order now! Link in bio.”୭ • ∴ • “Abrace o conforto do que realmente combina com você. Experimente a sensação libertadora de estar à vontade e sem restrições. Peças limitadas. Faça seu pedido agora! Link na bio.” • • • #yogawear #comfyclothes #comfywear #fashion #fashionyoga


Amanda Flow


𐂲Life here was like climbing trees, playing dodgeball, riding a bike, doing gymnastics, capoeira, dancing, laughing until you pee, disappointments, failures, giving up, crying, frustrations, revolt… A mixture of emotions that any human being can experience with his family in his homeland. 𐂲I love coming back here. In unconscious innocence I always return with an open heart and always a new surprise closes a new cycle awakening my conscience. 𐂲Everything flows beautifully with a mixture of relief and pain, love and hate, attachment and detachment. 𐂲Talking about life with some friends, I realized how much it hurts to let go of old patterns and beliefs. 𐂲It hurts when we bring these beliefs to light, from the shadows to the light. These attachments are certainly the emotions that hold us back and letting them go can hurt deeply in the healing process. 𐂲The old skins that no longer serve us burn as they fall. But this is the only way to free ourselves to enter a new cycle, a new stage and a new life. ♥︎I feel very blessed, honored and grateful for my family. We evolve with our history.🪄♾️ • Português 💚🇧🇷👇🏼 • 𐂲A vida aqui era subir em árvore, jogar queimada, andar de bicicleta, fazer ginástica, capoeira, dançar, rir até fazer xixi, decepções, fracassos, desistência, choro, frustrações, revolta… Uma mistura de emoções que qualquer ser humano pode vivenciar com a sua família em sua terra natal. 𐂲Amo voltar aqui. Na inocência inconsciente sempre retorno com o coração aberto e sempre uma nova surpresa fecha um novo ciclo despertando a minha consciência. 𐂲Tudo flui lindamente com uma mescla de alívio e dor, amor e ódio, apego e desapego. 𐂲Conversando sobre a vida com alguns amigos, percebi o quanto dói abrir mão de velhos padrões e crenças. 𐂲Dói quando trazemos essas crenças à tona, das sombras para a luz. Esses apegos certamente são as emoções que nos retêm e deixá-los ir pode doer profundamente no processo de regeneração. 𐂲As peles velhas que não nos servem mais queimam enquanto caem. Mas, esta é a única forma de nos libertarmos para entrar em um novo ciclo, uma nova etapa e • #surfphotography #surfup #longboardsurfing #longboard #surf #beach #013 #santos


Amanda Flow


𓏲Sound healing is a holistic practice that uses sound frequencies to restore balance and promote healing in the body, mind, and spirit. It is based on the principle that everything in the universe, including human beings, is made up of energy that vibrates at different frequencies. By using specific sound frequencies and vibrations, sound healers aim to harmonize and balance the energy in the body, leading to improved physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. 𓏲I feel honored and grateful to conclude another cycle and to be part of a community of likeminded individuals who share their spiritual path. Connecting with others who share our values, beliefs, and experiences can be incredibly supportive and uplifting on our journey. Remember to cherish and nurture these connections by staying open and receptive to the unique perspectives and insights that each person brings. By doing so, we can continue to deepen our understanding and appreciation of the spiritual journey, and grow together in love and wisdom. 𓏲Aho brothers & sisters. • • • 𓏲A cura pelo som é uma prática holística que usa frequências sonoras para restaurar o equilíbrio e promover a cura do corpo, da mente e do espírito. Baseia-se no princípio de que tudo no universo, inclusive o ser humano, é formado por energia que vibra em diferentes frequências. Usando frequências sonoras e vibrações específicas, os curadores de som visam harmonizar e equilibrar a energia do corpo, levando a um melhor bem-estar físico, emocional e espiritual. 𓏲Sinto-me honrada e agradecida por concluir mais um ciclo e fazer parte de uma comunidade de pessoas afins que compartilham o nosso caminho espiritual. Conectar-se com outras pessoas que compartilham nossos valores, crenças e experiências pode ser incrivelmente favorável e edificante em nossa jornada. Lembre-se de valorizar e nutrir essas conexões, mantendo-se aberto e receptivo às perspectivas e percepções únicas que cada pessoa traz. Ao fazer isso, você podemos continuar a aprofundar a nossa compreensão e apreciação da jornada espiritual e crescer juntos em amor e sabedoria. 𓏲Aho irmãos e irmãs. • • • #soundhealing #soundhealers #soundfulness #healing


Amanda Flow


𓏲Kriya is a practice which allows the body to learn to cope with increased energy, to create deep harmony with the energy of the cosmos, to combine Jiva with Brahman, the individual with totality. 𓏲As we access deep wisdom through the practice of kriya, integration with totality occurs. 𓏲 The practice of kriya is a tool for people to increase their ability to hold and sustain increasing energy of Kundalini. ∴ ⚛︎ ∴ 𓏲Kriya é uma prática que permite ao corpo aprender a lidar com o aumento da energia, a criar uma harmonia profunda com a energia do cosmos, a combinar Jiva com Brahman, o indivíduo com a totalidade. 𓏲À medida que acessamos a sabedoria profunda através da prática de kriya, a integração com totalidade ocorre. 𓏲A prática do kriya é uma ferramenta para as pessoas aumentarem sua capacidade de reter e sustentar o aumento da energia da Kundalini. ∴ ∴ ∴ #kundalini #kriyas #yoga #breathe #breathework


Amanda Flow


𓏲Surrender - If you can release all fear and surrender into trust, you become absolutely non-resistant to what is arriving. You lay it all at the feet of totality. Yoga mat spray by @organics_at_home. The perfect combination! 𓁿✩ ∴ ∴ 𓏲Rendição - Se você pode liberar todo o medo e se entregar à confiança, você se torna absolutamente não resistente ao que está chegando. Você coloca tudo aos pés da totalidade. Spray para tapete de ioga da @organics_at_home. A combinação perfeita! 𓁿✩ ∴ ∴ ∴ #yoga #ioga #surrender #rendição


Amanda Flow


𝑳𝑷𝑭 𐂲Whether you are a woman recovering postpartum, an athlete looking to improve athletic performance or an office worker looking for a stronger core LPF is a helpful strategy. 𐂲 Working on breathing also helps to balance the sympathetic and para sympathetic nervous system, which can help in managing stress levels and increase overall well being. ✰ ✰ ✰ 𐂲Seja você uma mulher se recuperando do pós-parto, uma atleta que busca melhorar o desempenho atlético ou uma trabalhadora de escritório que procura um núcleo mais forte, o LPF é uma estratégia útil. 𐂲 Trabalhar a respiração também ajuda a equilibrar o sistema nervoso simpático e parassimpático, o que pode ajudar a controlar os níveis de estresse e aumentar o bem-estar geral. #lpf #lowpressurefitnes #hypopressive #hipopresivos #breathwork #posture