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How much water should you be drinking per day? While the general recommendation I give is at LEAST half your body weight in ounces per day, a good way to tell if you’re drinking enough is by simply looking at your urine. If your pee is clear like water, you might be peeing out some electrolytes and are likely drinking too much water. You can scale back a bit. If your pee is dark like apple juice, you’re likely dehydrated and should drink more water. If your pee has a hint of yellow, you are likely perfectly hydrated and should keep doing what you’re doing. If your pee has red in it, seek medical attention.




OVERHEAD PRESS MISTAKE - A common overhead press mistake is flaring the elbows. This will increase your chance for both shoulder and elbow injury while also reducing the effectiveness of the exercise. Instead, keep your elbows tucked to safely and more effectively hit your shoulders. - #overheadpress #barbelloverheadpress #barbellshoulderpress #shoulderpress #shoulderworkout #shoulderday #shoulderexercises #medialdeltoid #sidedelts #widedelts #bouldershoulders #shoulderboulders #shoulderboulder #shouldersday #shoulderworkouts #shoulderworkout




30 GRAMS OF PROTEIN Here are a bunch of ways to consume 30 grams of protein. You need to remember that although you might be able to consume 30 grams of protein from various sources, that does NOT mean the calories are equal. Just because you might be consuming a food for its protein content, most also contain carbs and/or fat as well. For example, chicken breast is a pretty lean protein source but although eggs, salmon, and beef also have protein, you will be consuming fat with the protein. That doesn’t mean one is “better” than the other. It’s just a reminder that you shouldn’t just count the protein and ignore everything else or you’ll likely go way over your daily macros. Another pure protein source is whey protein. Although protein from supplements is not superior to protein from food, they are a convenient and versatile way to help you hit your protein each day. You don’t need to just use them as shakes. They can also be mixed into foods like pancakes, oats and yogurt to increase the protein content. Not only does it help increase the protein content of foods, but it also improves the taste (like plain Greek yogurt and oatmeal). @Legion Athletics Whey+ is high quality grass fed whey isolate. Whey isolate removes the lactose so if you have issues with dairy, you shouldn’t have any issues. If you’d like to try Legion protein or any other Legion supplements, use code APFAU and you’ll receive 20% off your first order. Legion has a 100% money back guarantee and all products are lab tested for purity and potency. #protein #proteins #proteinsource #proteinsources #proteinfood #proteinfoods #proteinshake #proteinshakes #whey #wheyprotein




LEG EXTENSION MISTAKE A leg extension mistake is positioning your knees too far from the seat, putting excessive stress on the knees. Instead, move the back rest so that the bend of your knees rests on the seat in order to reduce the stress on your knees and maximize quad activation. #legextension #legextensions #legextensionmachine #legmachine #legexercises #legexercise #quadexercises #quadworkout #quadworkouts #legworkout #legday #legdayworkout #legdayexercises




INCLINE BENCH TIP - One of the biggest complaints people have with incline dumbbell bench is that they feel it more in their shoulders than their chest. If that’s the case, try reducing the incline of the bench. A steeper incline isn’t “wrong” but I find that a lot people will feel their chest working more with less shoulder involvement with a 30 degree incline over a 45 degree incline. - An EMG study helps explain why this is the case. Although both a 30 degree and 45 degree incline have similar chest involvement, the steeper incline also has greater shoulder involvement meaning your shoulders may fatigue and become a limiting factor. A 30 degree incline will allow you to target your upper chest but without your shoulders potentially taking over. - Ref: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7579505/ - #benchpressmistakes #benchpresstutorial #benchpresstips #benchpresstip #benchpressform #chestpress #chestday #chestworkout #chestexercise #chestexercises #chestworkouts #chestdayworkout #chestpump #chesttraining #chestgains #chestdaybestday #chestworkouts #chestgains #biggerchest




HOW TO BULK Maingaining, gaintaining, bulking, clean bulking, lean bulking…. These all mean the same thing! All of these terms refer to a muscle gaining phase. The goal of any muscle gaining phase is to gain muscle with as little fat as possible.This is the only way you should be trying to gain muscle. It doesn’t matter what you call it. Call it an egg salad sandwich if that tickles your pickle. All that matters is that you understand how to actually execute the plan correctly. To do this, keep your caloric surplus small (200 calories is just fine) and aim for no more than about 2 pounds per month. - #b#bulkingb#bulkingtipsl#leanbulkc#cleanbulkm#maingainingm#maingaing#gaintaing#gaintainingb#bulkingupb#bulkingtipsb#bulkingtimebulkingseason







LEG PRESS FOOT STANCE - The leg press is a great lower body exercise, especially if you can’t squat for any reason. Keep in mind that no matter where you place your feet, similar muscles will be worked. However, you can emphasize different areas a bit more with different foot placements. - A regular foot placement works the quads, glutes, and hamstrings. Placing the feet higher shifts more focus to the glutes and hamstrings. Placing the feet low emphasizes the quads. Placing the feet wide shifts more focus to the inner thigh, glutes and hamstrings. - #legpress #legpressmachine #legpressworkout #legexercises #legexercise #legworkout #legdayworkout #legsworkout #legsexercise #quadexercises #gluteexercises




DUMBBELL ROW MISTAKE - One of the most common mistakes people make on dumbbell rows is bringing the dumbbell straight up and down towards their chest. This puts a lot of tension on the biceps but not much on your lats/back. Instead, row the dumbbell towards your hip to maximize lat activation. - #backdayworkout #dumbbellrows #backworkout #backexercises #backday #backrows #dbrows #dumbbellrow #dbrow